Shaping the perfect ornamental tree

3 Highly Toxic Native Trees that Make Your Backyard Unsafe for Children

Kids love playing outside, and most parents are aware of the importance of making sure that their backyard is a safe and secure environment for their children. We go to great lengths to make sure that fences and gates are secure, pools are adequately fenced, and that there are no harmful chemicals or garden implements lying around.

However, many people don't realise that some harmless looking and beautiful native trees can be highly toxic. Here are the three most dangerous trees that you can have in your backyard.

Coral Tree

This is one of the most poisonous native trees. The leaves, bark, and seeds are all highly toxic and this is especially true for children. Signs of Coral tree poisoning include breathing restrictions, lack of oxygenation to the bloodstream, fainting, and weakness. These trees are a particular hazard because they are very appealing to children with their attractive bright red flowers and small seeds.

Wax Tree

This tree is also known as a Rhus tree, and it's another highly toxic plant. The symptoms of poisoning from the Wax tree can be painful and itchy rashes, hives, and blistering. This can occur from exposure to the tree or even to exposure to the sawdust or ash from the wood. This plant is particularly dangerous for children or adults with a history of allergies.

White Cedar Tree

The main poisoning risk with the White Cedar tree is the fruit. The fruit can cause acute diarrhoea and vomiting, and can also have am extremely negative effect on the central nervous system. These effects range from mild confusion to seizures or coma. Although it's only the fruit from this tree that is toxic, it's still too dangerous to have in your garden. Small children can easily mistake the fallen fruit for something harmless like an apple.

If you think you may have one of these trees in your garden then the safest course of action is to have it removed. If you're unsure whether your tree is a poisonous variety then a qualified tree removalist will be able to correctly identify the tree in question.

It's safer to have it professionally removed than to try to remove it yourself. This way you'll minimise the risk of exposure to the toxic compounds in the tree. The removal process can also spread toxic debris around your garden, and a professional will have the tools and equipment to ensure that all traces of the tree are gone. Otherwise, the tree may begin to regrow again after a short while.
