Shaping the perfect ornamental tree

What You Should Know Before Removing a Tree

If you have a tree in your garden that needs to be removed, there's more to think about than just hiring someone to take it down. Removing a tree, especially a large one, can be dangerous and can even cause damage if not done correctly. To ensure the proper removal of your tree, here are four things you should be aware of before getting started.

Check Local Laws and Regulations 

Before beginning any tree work, check for local laws and regulations related to removing trees from your property. Different states and municipalities may have different rules when it comes to removing trees from private property. For example, some areas require permits for taking down certain species of trees or for taking down trees over a certain size. Make sure you know what's required before starting this project.

Know Your Options

When it comes time to remove the tree, there are several options available depending on how large or small it is. If the tree is small enough, then manual removal may be an option — using pruners or loppers and some muscle power — but anything larger than that will require more specialised tools like chainsaws or stump grinders. Depending on what tools are available to you and how much manpower you have at your disposal, decide which option works best for you before getting started with any actual work on the tree itself.

Think About What You'll Do With The Wood

Once you've gotten rid of the unwanted tree, think about what you'd like to do with all of that extra wood that's left behind. Depending on how much wood is available after removal (and if it's suitable for use), there are several options for repurposing it, such as making furniture out of it or using it as firewood for the winter months ahead. Or perhaps donate it to a local carpentry school so students can learn how to work with different types of wood. If you don't have a use for the wood, a tree contractor should be able to take it away for you.

Be Prepared For Clean up and Removal

Finally,  don't forget about cleanup once your job is done. After cutting down the trunk and removing branches from around its base, you can dispose of this waste material by either burning or composting them (depending on local regulations). Additionally, depending on whether or not you want to keep the stump around, remember that its removal will require additional equipment like a stump grinder.


If you would like to find out more, contact a tree removal service today.
