
Tree Removal: A Closer Look at Costs, Techniques and Regulations

Trees may be a beautiful addition to your property, but sometimes they can become a hazard. To reduce the risk of falling or property damage, it may be necessary to remove a dead or diseased tree. Taking prompt action ensures safety and preserves your property's integrity. Tree removal is not an easy or cheap process. It requires skills, equipment and experience to complete safely and effectively. This blog post will take a closer look at the costs, techniques and regulations involved in tree removal.

What You Should Know Before Removing a Tree

If you have a tree in your garden that needs to be removed, there's more to think about than just hiring someone to take it down. Removing a tree, especially a large one, can be dangerous and can even cause damage if not done correctly. To ensure the proper removal of your tree, here are four things you should be aware of before getting started. Check Local Laws and Regulations 

Why You Should Always Get Rid of Weeds at the Base of Any Trees

If you have trees in your expansive backyard, you know they bring a certain amount of presence or even majesty to the environment. They may protect you from the prevailing wind or shade your house from that hot Australian sun so that you can save some money on your energy bills. These are just some of the benefits of mature trees, and you need to do your best to look after them.

Why You Need to Conduct Regular Tree Inspections

If you've just taken ownership of a new home that sits within a large plot of land, you will want to ensure that the outside area looks just as good as your new house. As you may well have many mature trees within this plot, you'll certainly want to ensure that they not only look good but are at the peak of health as well. So, in this case, you need to become familiar with their general appearance and, specifically, what they may look like should something go wrong.

3 Types of Tree Service You Can Get From Professionals

Trees have numerous benefits to the environment that include cleaning the air, cooling down the temperatures, and even modifying the local climate. However, you have to take excellent care of them if you want them to serve you for many years. Personal tree care is simple and includes watering, nourishing, and pruning. However, as the trees get taller and older, you might find it necessary to hire an expert for tree care.

5 Common Causes of Dead Wood in Trees

Have you noticed that some of your tree's branches have died? Then don't panic just yet. Deadwood in a tree's canopy doesn't always signify that a tree is in decline. Branches and twigs die for various reasons, and not all of them are negative. 1. Inability to take in sufficient food Trees have the ability to self-prune. This pruning occurs with inner branches that no longer take in enough food to feed themselves.

Tree Care: Everything You Need to Know About Tree Pruning

As a homeowner, you need to keep your environment beautiful and clean at all times. How you take care of your trees determines their strength, shape and length of life. It serves many benefits including adding aesthetic values to your home. One way of doing so is to ensure you hire a company to prune your trees.  Types of Tree Pruning While some homeowners view tree pruning as tedious, tree service companies can make your work easier and prune your trees for you.

How One Dead Branch Can Kill a Tree

A single dead branch can kill a tree. And although it might take years for a dead branch to cause the death of a tree, having a dead tree on your property could put you and your home at risk. So, it's important that you act quickly to remove dead branches as soon as you spot them. If not removed in time, a dead branch could kill a tree in one of two ways.

The Pros and Cons of Burning a Tree Stump

There a few different ways you can get rid of an old tree stump in your garden. If you don't want to wait for the stump to rot away naturally, you may be thinking about burning it out as a quick fix. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stump burning? The Advantages of Burning out a Tree Stump Fire is an effective way of destroying wood. It can reduce a stump to ashes, leaving you with a minor clean-up job.

Can an Arborist Help You Keep Possums Out of Your Roof?

If you're having problems with possums getting into your roof space, then you need to find ways to keep them out. You may have fixed entry points in your roof, but the possums keep trying to get back in. To deter them more effectively, look beyond your roof to work out how they are getting up there in the first place. If you have a tree close to your home, then this may be a primary access point.